Can You Microwave Pyrex?

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I am a huge fan of Pyrex and have many, many containers for leftover food and would be lost without it. But the big question is can you microwave Pyrex? And beyond Pyrex can other glass be microwaved?

Today I will be answering your top Pyrex questions and showing you how I use the Pyrex brand at home in the Milner kitchen.

can you microwave pyrex
Can You Microwave Pyrex

Pyrex Microwave

Yesterday I was answering all your questions about can you microwave Ziploc bags and today is all about Pyrex in the microwave.

I have been a huge fan of Pyrex for a number of years now and must have about 40 freezer friendly sized containers. Ones that I use for serving food in and many that go straight into the freezer with my leftovers.

I have tried many alternatives to Pyrex and have found that I have hated them in comparison.

The frustration from the plastic lids not shutting properly, to the glass shattering and the glass having cracks in it.

Today, I wanted to share my love for Pyrex with you for both the microwave and for freezing.

Ideal for your microwave, instant pot, slow cooker, soup maker, and air fryer leftovers.

Can Pyrex Go In The Microwave?

Yes, it can. Pyrex is ideal for microwave cooking. I have used Pyrex bowls and Pyrex dishes in my microwave.

I also plan my make ahead cooking around what pyrex I plan to use.

For example, if I am reheating with my Pyrex for another mealtime I will make sure itโ€™s a size that will fit into my microwave.

Then I can cook a soup, stew, or pasta dish, load into Pyrex for freezing, then cook from frozen (or thawed) in the microwave at a later date.

For example, here is our soup maker minestrone soup ready for the freezer:

Can Pyrex Go In The Microwave

Then I can remove the plastic lid and then microwave when I am ready to eat it.

Can Pyrex Go In The Freezer?

Yes, it can. Like I have mentioned above, you cam meal prep your meals and then load them into your Pyrex and freeze them.

Can Pyrex Go In The Freezer

Its just important that you allow your freezer meals to fully cool BEFORE you place the plastic lid on top.

Otherwise, you will end up with a lot of condensation.

As well as this, donโ€™t forget to label the food so that you donโ€™t forget what it is once it is in the freezer.

Is Pyrex Dishwasher Safe?

Yes, it is. Pyrex is fantastic for quickly loading into the dishwasher and then the dishwasher will make your Pyrex as new again.

Though I do recommend you rinse your Pyrex under a hot tap first to get rid of any big bits of food that are stuck on.

Are Pyrex Bowls Microwave Safe?

Yes, a Pyrex bowl in the microwave is perfectly safe. They are fantastic for cooking with and reheating in the microwave.

You can grab some Pyrex bowls and then load it up with some leftover pasta, or some leftover rice. Then add in some extra sauce and some cheese and you can microwave it.

Also, I find that microwave Pyrex bowls are much smaller, so take up less freezer space and are perfect for portions for one.

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Can Glass Be Microwaved?

Yes, any glass that is oven safe is microwave safe. Regardless of whether or not it is the Pyrex brand or not.

You will notice that when you buy glass it will tell you on its packaging everything you can do. Such as microwave safe, dishwasher safe, freezer safe etc.

My other favourite glass that I would microwave would be the glass containers with the plastic lids from Ikea. Itโ€™s very similar to Pyrex and just as long lasting.

Can Pyrex Go From Fridge To Microwave?

Yes, Pyrex can go from fridge to microwave. Glass containers can also go from freezer to microwave too.

Though I recommend having it out for an hour before cooking in the microwave as otherwise it can take much longer to reheat.  

Can I Put Cold Pyrex In The Microwave?

Yes, you can put cold Pyrex in the microwave, and I do it all the time. What I do is I make ahead a lot of extra vegetables and then I can just reheat them in the microwave in a small Pyrex dish.

Or take a look at this picture of my microwave vegetables:

Can I Put Cold Pyrex In The Microwave

Itโ€™s a collection of microwave vegetables including our microwave beets, microwave butternut squash, microwave frozen broccoli and microwave sweet potato cubes.  

Each of them was originally cooked using our microwave steamer bowl and then they were perfect for reheating using the Pyrex containers.

Then the next day (at mealtimes) I filled up the Pyrex and they were cooked from cold using cold Pyrex and were perfect.

How I Use My Pyrex

I wanted to share with you more ideas of how to use your Pyrex in the microwave now that I have answered your question about is Pyrex microwave safe.

The best example (beyond freezer to microwave cooking) is microwave zucchini. You start off with the steamer basket, then transfer the zucchini to the Pyrex. Then you are using the Pyrex container to melt the cheese and then use the Pyrex as your serving dish at the dinner table.

is Pyrex microwave safe

You can do the same with many dishes or even when reheating mac and cheese and you want extra cheese on top.

And also check out my Kitchen Gadgets Tour video as it also shows all the Pyrex I have as well as other storage solutions.

More Kitchen Gadget FAQ

Here are a few other questions I also get asked:


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Recipe This

Hi! I am Sam and along with my chef hubby Dom we love sharing with you easy everyday recipes using kitchen gadgets. We are also the authors of The Complete Air Fryer Cookbook, an amazing air fryer cookbook filled with 140+ everyday air fryer recipes. Beyond the air fryer we also love the instant pot, slow cooker, soup maker, ninja foodi, pie maker and several other kitchen gadgets. YouTube | Facebook | Pinterest | Tiktok

3 thoughts on “Can You Microwave Pyrex?”

  1. I have a Pyrex Casserole dish with a glass lid. I would like to cook salmon in it and I donโ€™t know, whether I should put the gaslit on to close it completely or not? Can you help? It would be quite urgent.


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