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Air Fryer Scrambled Eggs On Toast. Delicious still warm freshly made wholemeal bread with scrambled eggs on top.
The warm bread is warmed up in the air fryer first so that it resembles toast and then the scrambled eggs is cooked and served on top. The dream air fryer breakfast of champions!
Air Fryer Scrambled Eggs On Toast. I truly wish you could smell it or feel the texture of it as you place a chunk of Dominic’s scrambled eggs on toast in your mouth.
He has perfected the moment for us. He has made fresh wholemeal bread for us this morning, then he has quickly made the most amazing scrambled eggs to go over it.
We have a very awkward annoying kitchen here at It is bright green from our last blog. We so need to paint over that when we get a moment.
But that’s not what annoys me.
When we bought our house it was a very small kitchen with a little archway into an area that had a wardrobe.
I mean who keeps a wardrobe in the hallway? Then our only kitchen window is really high up hence why a lot of our photos seem dark!
When we bought the house, it didn’t even have proper gas set up and had a gas bottle under the sink.
It also had kitchen worktops that were so, so low that you could break your back washing up. Then the walls crumbled when we went to replace the kitchen tiles.
So, all we could afford to do was paint over the cracks and to install a cheap second-hand kitchen. We also had kitchen units added to where the wardrobes were.
Its not ideal but its good enough to keep us going.
In the long run though (when makes enough) to knock down the walls and create a nice open plan kitchen and dining room.
But for now, like many families we make do!
That means that right now we are all crowded around a tight space checking out Dominic’s scrambled eggs in the air fryer.
There is me, Dominic, Jorge & Sofia and Kyle who hates eggs is out with his friends.
I am sure you expect this and are not surprised but we all fought over the last piece. Jorge starred up at me with his huge brown eyes and that 18-month-old smile and WON.
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Air Fryer Scrambled Eggs On Toast
At the time of recipe testing these air fryer scrambled eggs on toast in early May, I was in between completing a round of the Whole30 and returning to Paleo.
So, in my world toast was a banned topic. But when I am recipe testing I let this rule go.
I am so glad that I did, because wholemeal just cooked toast is the BEST.
Though I should mention that I sliced the bread and I am terrible at that, must be the reason why I bought sliced bread for years????
The good thing about making air fryer scrambled eggs is that it is so, so easy. You literally mix your ingredients in your air fryer baking pan, let the air fryer do the work, give it another stir and serve.
Maybe I should rename Dominic’s scrambled eggs on toast as just stir and serve?
Air Fryer Scrambled Eggs
- Air Fryer
- Air Fryer Baking Pan
- 2 Slices Wholemeal Bread
- 4 Large Eggs
- Salt & Pepper
- Warm up your bread at 200c/400f for 3 minutes so that it is harder like toast.
- Crack your eggs into your air fryer and give them a quick stir. Add to them the seasoning and place the baking pan inside the air fryer.
- Cook for 2 minutes at 180c/360f stir and cook for another 4 minutes at the same temperature.
- Pour the scrambled eggs over the wholemeal toast and serve.